Giving you peace of mind knowing your business is compliant and your risk is mitigated

When it comes to regulations, generally it’s left up to the licensee to ensure they follow responsible service of alcohol or recreational cannabis guidelines. However, it is imperative that these guidelines are met.

We travel across the country to audit your existing policies and procedures to ensure you have the best defence of due diligence in cases of compliance or enforcement issues. We then provide a comprehensive report detailing any inefficiencies found during the onsite visit and detail suggestions to resolve any potential issues.

Here are some of the services we provide:

Risk Management Services

Maintaining working relationships with insurance companies specializing in coverages for liquor or cannabis licensed establishments.

Compliance and Conflict Resolution

Offering comprehensive Policy and Procedures or Standard Operating Procedures manuals, customized staff training programs and inspector mediation consultation, to confirm compliance with policies and regulations at all levels of government.

In the unfortunate event of a compliance and enforcement issue, we work in partnership with specialized legal counsel to assist with your Liquor and Cannabis Branch hearing process.

Audit and Advisory Services

A high number of applications submitted are deemed to be incomplete upon first review. If this happens, your application may end up at the “bottom of the pile” and the process has to start over. Therefore, in addition to engaging us to handle all your liquor or recreational cannabis licensing needs, we review your existing application package and give advice on what should be included to expedite consideration and streamline the approval process.

Enforcement Audit

If your establishment receives a Notice of Enforcement Action, i.e. over capacity or service to a minor, you must decide very quickly if you intend to acknowledge the enforcement and pay the prescribed consequences OR challenge it.

Whatever you decide, you must give serious consideration to the operational policy and procedural changes that need to be made as a result of the action taken against you. Rising Tide Consultants will provide you with guidance and advice on compliance and enforcement issues and recommend ways to proceed in order to protect your business.