As the Gastown pedestrian project nears its end, it is evident that the closure to road traffic was not the success that the City of Vancouver had hoped for when they launched their pilot for Summer 2024.
Reduced street access has resulted in up to an estimated 20-50% decline in sales for some businesses. Some have reported that their sales now are worse than the days of the COVID-19 restrictions.
The costs have far outweighed any benefits for this initiative and it is our hope that Vancouver City Council listens intently to the Gastown BIA and the business owners that have lost significant revenue due to the road closures if they are going to try another version of this in 2025.
Downtown Van Steps Up Security
Downtown Van has a new pilot program with Paladin Security. They will be deploying two full-time guards to patrol the Downtown Van district from 2PM to 10 PM, 7 days a week to work alongside the Downtown Safety Ambassadors to “address high-priority calls and enhance overall safety in the downtowncore.” Their Ambassadors will continue to focus on community safety with a hands-off approach, while these new guards will take on a more security-oriented role.
We wish to commend Downtown Van for this effort to protect the people and businesses of downtown Vancouver and improve the safety and security for all.

A Patio License In Vancouver Will Cost You More Than Other Cities In Canada
During the pandemic, the City of Vancouver took positive steps to simplify and expand its patio program, allowing businesses to adapt more quickly. However, Vancouver small businesses still face high costs and lengthy wait times for approvals compared to other major municipalities across the country.
Vancouver small businesses are being charged up to $1,451 for a first-time sidewalk patio permit. See the recent research by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) for the patio comparison costs across Canada.
Vancouver $1,102-$1,451 (4 weeks)
Calgary $116 (6 weeks)
Saskatoon $0 (3 weeks)
Winnipeg $0 (1 day)
Toronto $917 (8 weeks)
Ottawa $1,424 (2 weeks)
Montreal $1,065 (time varies)
“The City of Vancouver is on the right path, but more work needs to be done to ensure patio permits are affordable and issued in a timely manner,” said Emily Boston, CFIB’s BC Senior Policy Analyst. “Right now, it can take up to four weeks for a Vancouver business to get a patio permit approved, whereas Winnipeg sets the gold standard with same-day approvals.”
Rising Tide Consultants works closely with both Vancouver City Council and the LCRB to ensure that the needs of our clients is communicated clearly and we are in full support of these fees being brought into a more reasonable alignment with our other Canadian counterparts.
Client Spotlight

Forged Axe in Victoria has just received approval for their new LP license Rising Tide Consultants is so happy that this is finally a reality after a significant amount of time and effort to bring this to fruition. We don’t know about you, but we think this experience is worth a road trip! Don’t miss their location in Whistler too!
The domestic food court at Vancouver International Airport just got a whole lot better!
Triple O’s now joins the lineup with their new Food Primary license. Waiting for your flight isn’t quite as stressful now with this yummy addition.
Ash Street Bistro Bar & Bistro now has full approval for their new patios at the Legacy Senior Living Facility on 41st Avenue in Vancouver. The patio is not just for residents and their friends and family, it is now open to the public. Reservations required – call 604.240.8550
Mayor Sim Casts Tie-Breaker Vote In Favour Of Natural Gas In New Construction
Rising Tide Consultants is in full support of Vancouver City Council’s recent decision to include the choice of renewable natural gas, natural gas, hydrogen fuels in home and business heating in new construction in the near future.
This is a win for industry and we are grateful to Council’s fair and progressive decision to allow affordable and sustainable options for restaurants to utilize renewable energy resources for their operations.
We Are Here To Help
If you need advice or guidance with your licensing challenges or business operations, get in touch with us.